Planet Earth ~ It's Time to Protect
is now Available!
Welcome to the Dawn
Our world of beauty and peace is only on the other side of the choice you make.
Be Inspirited.
Wisdom ... is being able to put Knowledge to constructive use, as it has always been intended. -
* constructive use is that which does not destroy, deconstruct, harm, maim, injure, kill, is not for control, power, greed, glory, gain, etc.
"If everyone [...] didn’t judge others who believed differently – can you imagine how much more peaceful the world would be?" -
We are not living wisely in our world today,
but at odds with each other and the world around us.
In this, we are killing ourselves.
No one else, nothing else is destroying us, but us.
It's time to live wisely ...
Did you know the word “clouds” is synonymous with “threat, menace, shadow, blight, gloom, trouble, problem, worry, crisis, ..“(only a few of the 95 listed synonyms according to many resources online)?
It also relates to the actual clouds above us in our skies, the very ones that bring Life and Water.
The use of ‘clouds’ was not intentional for this website. Three years ago, Brother told me I was to take photographs of clouds for a book that I was going to be creating. So I began taking pictures as I continued in my research and studies of understanding the guidances to be shared with them. The original title was always Dwelling Among the Clouds. I did not even think to research the name because, like you, I thought it was simply the clouds above … until the day of publishing when I was told to look up the synonym for ‘clouds’.
I did. This is what I have since learned:
'Clouds' is a double-entendre, both warning and enlightening: We are being warned we, all people of the world, are dwelling among threats today, but we are also being told to listen, some say 'enlightened', others say 'awakened', the ancients said 'hear', that we have the means and ability to raise ourselves out of these threats, these clouds of destruction, strife, and noise, to live peacefully as if among the quiet clouds moving above us … in balance with each other, the world, nature or, as many believe, within the heaven of ONEGodSHeIt … the Ineffable Energy of Love existing everywhere.
However, the peace of the skies has been rather incorrectly placed out of human reach because of those who have taught 'heaven' as reserved only for the dead, the "saved" or the "chosen". They have forgotten the fact that ONEGodSHeIt was within the world, that a garden was heaven, and neither The Man, so often named "Adam", nor Woman, who became known as "Life, Mother of All Living Things" but is so often trivialized to "Eve", were dead when they were in 'heaven'. The Man and Woman were alive and well, living in balance with good and bad within the world, however, totally unaware of either existences. The garden, 'Heaven', is located on Earth in this existence. In this knowledge, balance then is "the knowledge to achieve understanding to exist with both negative and positive experiences without taking them into your actual existence" and heaven can exist on Earth. However, this existing is only achieved by knowing how to exist as the Ineffable Energy of Love existing everywhere, which was the original existence of both The Man and Woman as they were made in the image and likeness of ONEGodSHeIt: Being Love.
This is why Adam never left Eve.
They did not change from that existence 'Being Love' because they chose to not choose: they remained together. Consequently, they did not die that same day they ate fruit from the Tree of Good and Bad (Knowledge) even though they did not listen to ONEGodSHeIt. Instead they lived to die eventually, as was already expected since they were not to eat from the Tree of Life, while ONEGodSHeIt continued to Love them as they loved each other. Their existence was Being Love.
They were Beloved. They lived as Beloveds. They were balance of each other. ONEGodSHeIt had given The Man, and through him, Woman, the responsibility of Choice which they both accepted by not choosing to choose. However, their consequence of not listening to ONEGodSHeIt was they had to learn HOW to live balancing the positive and negative of which they were now aware, Knowledge of Seeing Good and Bad, which they did, by not choosing. This Knowledge of Seeing Good/Positive in Bad/Negative is Love. Love is the power, energy of Creation. Love creates Peace: balance between negative and positive.
Woman created with this Knowledge by celebrating the pain of life with the joy of life. She used this power of Love in becoming a creator of Life under the Hand of ONEGodSHeIt, not under the hand of The Man. Woman, was now named Life by the mouth of The Man, her name change indicating a new status in her existence for The Man. The Man celebrated and worshiped Life. He did not oppress her, but raised his hands in deep, connected love to Life, giving her the title of a goddess who creates life, this recognition enduring through, not a couple of centuries, but circa 250 centuries Before Present Years: Mother of all living.
The Man yielded to Life in his love for her. He willingly relinquished his choice in creation when he chose the position of worshipping Life. In turn, Life, through her love for The Man, maintained his choice made through his love for her. This is the steadfast Reciprocating Bond of Trust between man and woman that should have perpetuated across millennia, but became hidden and lost among later men's interpretations which still globally oppresses women today.
Women have the Power of Creation. Women have the Choice to Create or Not. Men Beloved relinquish their choice to Women Beloved. The Reciprocating Bond of Trust is their steadfast foundation of Unending Existence. Any man outside this Reciprocating Bond of Trust, thus any man who does not hold Woman Beloved so submitting to her Choice to Create or Not, has no choice in creation. The Bond of Trust is not established. This an ancient Knowledge of the balance of Male and Female. This is an ancient Knowledge of the Power of Choosing to Not Choose.
By choosing to not choose.
However, Cain, their eldest son who inherited their legacy of Being Beloved by ancient customs, did not balance the pain of life with the joy of life that is attained through choosing to not choose. The Son of The Man chose to choose. Consequently, where The Man and Woman, now Life, Mother of All Living, remained with Love, Creation, and Connection, Cain did not. The Son of The Man chose Hate, Destruction, Division. He destroyed his Twin. He did not balance the positive and negative. The Son of the Man did not cultivate the Knowledge of Seeing Good in Bad, he did not obtain the power of creation in Love, and his existence was re-created into Being Discord. Thus, when The Son of The Man did not listen to ONEGodSHeIt, he was removed from the presence of ONEGodSHeIt, and human civilization slowly began separating from the garden, Love, and, ultimately, Peace, by CHOOSING TO CHOOSE.
By choosing to chose.
This is not Religion. This is not Science. This is Understanding, which belongs to all people. This Understanding is our Purpose of Existence, which ancient people were safeguarding through oral stories, so they would not lose this Knowledge of Life that helped them remain alive in the world in generations that followed: How to Love.
We will only regain Understanding How to Love when we understand the lessons of the ancients, in the context of which they were originally given: in the beginning of their sharing, not through humans' centuries of compounded lack of knowledge evolving into power-seeking agendas which, in turn, have instigated and perpetuated chasms of lost knowledge, in the want to attain control of the world. This human 'want' has been like a virus, spreading before the symptoms of impending death become evident, as they are today.
No one can deny we are dwelling among human-generated crisis today. It is worldwide. All of the threats we are facing, be it war; reversal and denial of human rights; denial of bodily autonomy; dictators trying to or succeeding in overthrowing governments; people killing because they fear people not like them, or because someone doesn't believe the same way, or they want wealth, control, and power they believe belongs to them; people killing, abusing, maiming their fellow brothers, sisters and siblings instead of protecting them; people perpetuating environmental destruction and annihilation of species of plants, animals on land and sea without care of consequences; the list is long in the threats we have brought on ourselves. All of these crises and more are resulting from the absence of Peace within each one of us, within our hearts, which ultimately is resulting from lack of Knowledge of Love, within our hearts, so each human, thus plant and animal is unable to exist Being Love in Life.
Yet each and every human, plant and animal is born Being Love in Life.
Our World today calls for proactive action on the individual level. This is because the majority of these catastrophes that exist among us are instigated by those humans we have either placed in leadership, or who have taken leadership over others with the support gained through a systemic brainwashing of a majority of individuals.
Ultimately, we all are individually responsible for this world and our lives in it. Not ONEGodSHeIt. Not someone coming to "save" us.
No one is free of the catastrophes existing everywhere in our world. We are all affected by every single crisis that grows, harms, and destroys for it is centuries of these that has led to a World with no Peace that is our lives today.
But the Knowledge has not left us. It has only been disconnected from us, from our hearts, from our consciousnesses, from our selves, to remain latently existing within our subconsciousness, for most of us.
Dwelling Among the Clouds is one of the reconnections of ancient knowledges with modern understanding, deconstructing later men's knowledge and reconstructing human knowledge to reconnect us to our subconsciousness so this Knowledge of Love returns to our consciousness. This is only one of the many paths, many of which still exist today despite having been discredited over the centuries of lack of knowledge by those who Fear loss of power, control and wealth so Constructed Fear to retain their wants.
This Constructed Fear has divided us at our most basic existence:
The "enemy" is not someone who is not like you.
The "enemy" is YOU controlled by others using your FEAR, not your Love, to be manipulated by those who have obtained or seek to obtain leadership over you. You are not even aware of your unnatural existence in these clouds of fear, hate, and want of wealth because you are now weaponized by those seeking power, control and wealth, for themselves and their agendas, not you.
Dwelling Among the Clouds is simply a call to listen to what we all already know, to what YOU already know, but were taught to fear: Love. It is this Fear of Love that prevents so many of us from really putting Love into action to defend ourselves, our world, with the most powerful defense against being weaponized by another person: Know How to LOVE. It is through this Knowledge that we each will once more ...
Lead Your Self,
Lead Your Neighbors,
Lead Your Family,
and above all,
Lead Your Leaders
All through Love.
We can "get higher" without the Peril and Risk as the price of a happy life, which is still being sold to us, when we stop underestimating the Energy, the Power, of Love. When we each begin sharing Love within the World, beginning with your Self and those around you, we each have regained our true Freedom:
Love is the true control of your world around you that is within your hands right now.
Love is Your Freedom.
Your Freedom is Your Peace.
Your Peace begins World Peace.
Imagine ... living Love within your own world and then Peace, which exists already, will Be.
You can do this ... grow your wings ...
For centuries, butterflies have been symbolic of Spirit, Reincarnation, Creation, and Eternal Life. They have been aligned with fairies, souls, and messengers of the gods which are today called "angels". This tiny, beautiful creature plays an essential part in the ongoing Circle of Life and has captured the nuances of life within the imagination of humans, inspiring generations of people in art, literature, religions, and science. The butterfly has been taken for granted by generations of people, but without these flowers of the air, we face an uncertain future.
Much like the butterfly, we affect all things around us, and our influences are echoed around the world for what we carry within us, our Self (our Soul and our Mind), is reflected into the world and people around us.
A Butterfly is symbolic of Spirit, of Energy.
It is the spark that with it ignites creation or without it ensures destruction.
This is each of us as a butterfly affecting the world and people around us.
This is the Self Effect.
It is this Self Effect that may become the greatest love story within us for we effect creation, also easily understood as Love, within our world, and this effects Peace,
this Self Effect may become the struggles of life within us, also easily understood as Apathy, for we effect destruction within our world, and this effects Turmoil.
Who we are in our heart determines our affect, our effect, our love story with our Self,
and whether
we dwell among the clouds like the whispers of butterflies' wings gently stirring creation in this world,
we dwell among the clouds like the tulmultous reverbrations of destruction destroying what remains in this word.
Dwelling among the clouds requires living proactively, giving guidance, conducting our Self, considering the outcomes of actions to determine the work of creating connections for perpetuating life before acting on those actions. Conducting our Self to connect with others and the world around us effects Peace Beginning Endlessly (connecting-disconnecting-reconnecting) for us.
Self Effect: Your Peace effects World Peace through those around you.
Fighting among our own destructions is living reactively, living controlled by our Self, reacting to impulses of our Self with no thought, seeking immediate rewards, no thought of outcomes resulting in destruction and fear causing our Self to react again, locking us into a Catch 22. Being controlled by our Self effects Perpetual Turmoil for us.
Self Effect: Your Turmoil effects World Turmoil through those around you.
Self Effect is either the beginning or ending of the Greatest Love Story within you.
Only you can answer ...
Is your Self Effect Peace?
Is your Self Effect Turmoil?
This is ...
Guidance: "advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority." -
Oxford Languages via Google Dictionary, 7.19.2023
For millennia, Guidance has existed not only in writing but in life around us. Over time, Fear has disconnected our ability to perceive Guidance in our World from each of us. However, Guidance perceived within the World has been recorded within ancient writings, ancient understandings, ancient cultures, ancient philosophies, ancient ways of life which birthed modern religions, sciences, philosophies, non-beliefs, ways of life, so we only need to listen for it. There has always been more than one path, although many paths have been denied by people existing in perpetual Fear controlled by Self which has led to multifolds of Self Effect of Turmoil effecting Perpetual World Turmoil.
It is Fear that makes Listening impossible.
You don't listen when you choose to be controlled by Self.
Guidance advises us how to conduct our Self. Advises ... which means you conduct your own choice using Guidance. We need to understand control over Self does not mean 'denying' our Self because without our Self we cease to exist: it is our Soul and our Mind. Nor do we swing way over to the other end of the spectrum and completely 'spoil' our Self for that gives control to Self. We may enjoy the short term, but the long-term is Destruction: too many sweets leads to tooth decay.
It is conducting our Self that leads to listening.
You listen when you conduct your Self.
Listening to Guidance is not a hidden sacred gift only for leaders of religions.
It is accessible without rituals for people like you and I. Listening should not be nullified by science for science is a Guidance itself. Simply explained, Guidance is advice that has existed endlessly for it is of One. It is everywhere. It is constantly reflected in nature. It is the path to the Truth, existing as more than one path simultaneously. So it may be, among the many Guidance paths, there is more than one path which appeals to you, or there may be only one path which appeals to you. It also may be your path is not the path for others, just as other paths may not be for you.
Guidance is neither controlled nor owned by anyone. It is free, everywhere.
Guidance is for all of us.
Creation begins in the space between sounds.
It is connection-disconnection-reconnection of these “spaces of silence”, our perceptions often described as vibrating, forming sound from nothing. Guidance is the ability to hear the space between creation. This ability is attained through meditation, which takes many forms, each as unique as each of us and includes: humming, prayer, singing, music, reciting, reading, dancing, chanting, drawing, building, cooking, gardening, nature watching, hiking, sleeping, dreaming, daydreaming, birdwatching, knitting, swimming, making love, etc.
The key to meditation is to become aware of the spaces.
Listening to "Silence" is the first step to hearing Guidance.
Guidance is all paths steadfastly connecting-disconnecting-reconnecting, beginning endlessly.
It is your Free Will to walk the path that awakens the memory of your Self so you may Listen, and it is your Choice to choose to leave it.
What you do with Guidance is up to you.
Afterall, this is The Greatest Romance Never Sold, the Greatest Love Story within You.
How you write your love story is your own creation.
There is no one person who holds the outcome to your own story but you.
It exists already within you, it is simply waiting for your beginning.
This Journey to the Center of Your Heart begins with you.
7 years ago, I was given a simple task to Do: Write.
I did not know what or how I was to write, but I was to write to the World, for all people, so I began with the easiest path I could find: Facebook. Then I wrote what I dreamed, what I heard, and what I was given, words placed within my mind, sometimes at the most inopportune moment, so I learned to carry a pen and paper with me everywhere.
And I wrote.
Part of my learning curve was to clear away what I had been taught over the years.
Part of that meant learning to understand how Fear controlled a great deal of thought in our world, so much so that we are even unaware of that control.
I also learned that it no longer mattered as to who began the clouding of Truth. The only importance was to learn how to walk among the clouds to see the Truth and to do that, I had to learn to Love.
Not the typical love we all associated with life but to LOVE each and every person on this planet, whether they were pleasant or unpleasant. This did not mean I could not get angry. This simply meant I was not to live in anger or fear for that lead to hate, disconnection.
I was learning to live as I was brought into this world, born in love.
To some that may sound a touch romantic so think of it this way:
We are all made by connections, be it of cells connecting to each other, people connecting to each other, but on every level, there is a connection being made. In the simplest terms, as understood by the ancient societies who existed before our time, this connection was Love. They knew to survive they needed to be connected to each other and so they became lovers, not friends, but connected, bonded lovers.
We all have this knowledge within us. It simply has been overwritten by Fear. Today many people still believe finding peace in ourselves is the last step to World Peace (great article linked below). It has always been Step #1. So I share what I have been given with you.
The one who needs to read it knows who they are.
For You.
There will be some who say these words speak against the Abrahamic belief of a Single God.
These words speak Truth, that is echoed within an ancient explanation given in Deuteronomy 6:4 of the Torah which literally says:
"Hear Israel YHWH gods YHWH one."
These words speak of One that exists Everywhere, so the concept of being Single, as in Solitary, is misleading Knowledge, as some older now-modern religions already know, just as the concept of a Trinity is too finite, thus also misleading, for Everywhere is neither Solitary nor it is Finite.
It is Many.
It is Simultaneous.
It is Endless.
Endlessly Creating
Simultaneous Existence
Singular Plurality.
Within this website and the pages of Dwelling Among the Clouds, you will find 'ONE' used for the Ineffable Existence found in All Truths held by all people in this world, for all people have a part of the Truth in their choice of religion, philosophy, spiritual development, sciences, or non-belief.
Only when all Truth of all people are united, will there be an illumination of the Truth of One, what many have come to name as
God However You May Call It/Her/Him, for there are many paths to the Truth of One.
Set your divisions aside, hear all guidance, find yours, and rediscover The Greatest Love Story within you to begin conducting World Peace into your life for your Self and the World.