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It is the Greatest Romance Never Sold:
the Greatest Love Story hidden within each one of us,
in me, in you,
dwelling among the clouds waiting to exist.
It is the love story of your lifetime that you create for yourself, for those around you, for the world, assisted by the guidances surrounding us every minute of the day, not just for a moment, but every single second of every single day, connecting us to everything within our world.
These guidances have been reconnected within
“Dwelling Among the Clouds”
after millennia of separations and people living in disconnection and destruction.
These reconnections are to Knowledge: of Love, Life, Creating and Self.
This book was created For You,
if you have not chosen to hear the Greatest Love Story is within U.
It is when you have chosen to hear the Greatest Love Story is within U,
that you begin your own love story with yourself, with others, with the world.
You become a Creator of Love, creating Peace, leading the leaders.
World Peace begins with You.
Peace in Purple.
Dwelling Among the Clouds is guidance of reconnections of ancient knowledges and sacred writings with modern religions and sciences in thought-provoking conceptualizations for taking care of one's Self, each Other, and the World. It is a series of meditations, inspirational thoughts, and affirmations reconnecting the individual to our original existence:
plural Singularities in Singular plurality
Nothing within these pages was not once known by us.
In fact, today it is all around us in many of our own creations, so we see, feel, and hear it almost every day. This Knowledge is as innate as our knowing how to breathe, but just like we no longer think about breathing, this Knowledge is no longer kept in front of us. When we hear to it, we appreciate it for that moment, and then continue as we were before hearing it.
For this reason, many of us are looking for something that is missing from our lives and not knowing how to reach what is right in front of us.
We search to be happy.
This missing connection may be reconstructed once we understand how to reform bonds between all Existences in Nature, including us, and through this reconnection, World Peace will be reestablished, if and only if we all commit to this work of reconnecting in our individual ways.
This is simply One Guidance of Guidances … but all guidances begin the same way:
as the Greatest Romance Ever Sold is reconnected to the Greatest Romance Never Sold you will find the Greatest Love Story Within You, a story of connection-disconnection-reconnection creating peace within your Self and reflecting outward to Others.
You create your Greatest Love Story within you:
"You" end. "You and I" begin.
Dwelling Among the Clouds is only one Guidance among many Guidances to assist your creation of your Greatest Love Story.
It is a creator's guidebook reconnecting all the disconnected, albeit time-tested and successful, conceptualizations that exist in separate religions, beliefs, non-beliefs, sciences, ways of life, etc.
It is a guidebook of restoring your control of Self, on your own, while assisting in illuminating your understanding of the responsibility of your choices.
What you do with this illumination determines you own happiness and contentment.
When you end the Disconnection between you and everything in this world, when you choose to love that which you do not, you begin your journey in creating your inner peace. Then, like the butterfly, you begin changing your Self Effect to bring Peace into the World.
You are the Creator of your Greatest Love Story.
These writings are from my personal journal written over a year-long hiatus from the routine of "normal" life. It began unexpectedly, yet I was not surprised when I was literally woken from my sleep after being told amid my dreams:
"Eye want u to B happy".
It is a wish many of us have - to be happy, but at the time I was not aware of any desire to be happy.
Then I realized it was because I had stopped wanting happiness. I lived my life day to day, settled in a routine in which I moved from one life event to the next, experiencing ups and downs without any internal, deep thought. Existing.
So I listened to Brother, the whisperer amid my dreams, who gave me a story much too long for here, and I began my Greatest Love Story that morning which continued in the ensuing days. It was 7 years later when I was told to share what I had learned to carry in my heart, to move past Facebook, put it in books, put it on a website.
It was time to give these a place among the world where it could reach those who were ready.
Whether you believe my story is up to you.
I am not here to convince you. In fact, convincing you doesn't even matter.
What matters is if you are ready to do the work needed to move our World, us, you to a life of Peace for now is the time we all need to come together in one common goal: LIFE,
instead of running away from the mess we made using synthesized feelings or to spread it among the stars or load it into machines. These only shift and hide that we are trying to solve our desperation for happiness.
What matters is if you are ready to face LIFE, Here On Earth, in the world we were created.
Happiness is not seeking a world void of "bad" (silly word) experiences, but balance where people are not divided, and are willing to actually compromise, instead of force their beliefs on others; where meeting in the middle is the primary goal, not serving self-interests, and caring about others takes precedence over having "stuff".
Idealistic I am told but I changed ....
The world around me changed ....
All negativity bowed.
The really neat part of all of this is you don't even have to read these guidances.
As long as you are inspired to listen to your way to your Greatest Love Story within you, and then give your Love to the World,
that is all that matters.
No returns. No compensations. No kudos. No recognition.
Give your Self to the World.
"Would you die for them?"
Strange But True.
You choose your way to meet everyone in Love.
You begin to start moving toward World Peace with real intent.
Others will follow without realizing it for they will be drawn by the Peace and Love you bring into the World.
Life is, after all, in your hands.
Peace in Purple.
Remember photographs on this page, book and website are copyrighted. All rights reserved.
Contact the Scribe for further information.
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Begin your Greatest Love Story.
We all have the knowledge within ourselves to achieve World Peace.
Some of us don't hear it because we have been convinced it's a secret only for the few ... not true, that is a control tactic. Many of us don't hear it because we've been conditioned with Fear to Listen only through Fear, another control tactic, and then there are others who believe only modern men have knowledge, a diversion.
The reason the "Golden Rule" is found throughout the world in different religions, beliefs, walks of life, knowledges is because it has been repeatedly observed in nature and then taught to members of the tribe because it is literally the key to unending life and peace.
What is it?
Reciprocity or what scientists call mutualism.
The ironic thing is we are all aware of it but have totally ignored the practice of it ...
Seriously ... being joyful in life is that simple.
Practice loveship.
Free Urself