You can choose to not choose and return to as you were born, In Love, or choose to choose and continue to live in hate as you have been taught "because you are only human."
This state of existence in which most of us live is caused by the fact many of us were never allowed our Choice.
Our choice was taught to us from birth by those in power over us, generations upon generations.
Yet, we each still have the Choice even if it has been hidden from us for the Greatest Love Story is within each of us.
You are your own Creator of your own Love Story with the World.
You only need to become your own Creator again, ending the choice made for you so YOU begin ...
Knowledge predates the existence of humans, indicating that humans are not the origin of knowledge. The creatures of nature, such as the snake, have demonstrated this truth for countless years. Unfortunately, we have associated the snake, which was the initial symbol of knowledge and creation, with negative connotations. This negativity stemmed from fear, not from actual knowledge, and extended not only to the snake but also to the wise individuals who chose to hear this timeless knowledge.
There are many paths of Guidance to assist those who struggle with Choice and relearning to Listen. It takes work to see the paths truly founded on Love. Take care to chose those paths leading in Love. Many of the paths of Love have been maligned and misrepresented, leading many away from Love. These erroneous redirections have caused extensive division and loss of life within societies for thousands of years. Ensuring your own path leads In Love takes deep reflection and discernment of the direction in which each path leads.
Relearning how to do the most basic action-reaction, Listening, is the Second Step to World Peace. YOU choose that to which you are listening.
Without Listening, you will not be able to Hear the Truth of our Existence.
There are many guidances which speak of this Truth, however not all guide in Listening for your Self, but guide in listening to others. For these guidances of humans, the Truth has become hidden behind the words of men and women in power who lead their own path for their own purpose, often leading through Fear, Destruction, Division, and Despair, despite claiming to lead through Love.
There are many guidances which speak of this Truth, which also guide in Listening for your Self. For these guidances of humans, the Truth became a way of life which did not and does not bring destruction of people, environment, or the world in their wake. These guidances lead through Love, even if they do not claim to lead through Love, for they protect, nurture, and create connections-disconnections-reconnections all around them.
"Dwelling Among the Clouds" is one of these latter guidances, assisting you in learning to listen to All: Self, Others, and the World through centering meditations of the Self found within the ancient knowledge.
Your reconnecting disconnections and connecting new connections then begins your own love story ...
You will know you are listening when YOU hear Love within your Self.
What began as a whisper in a dream became a 7-year journey to the center of my heart for me which I also began sharing on Facebook with the simple phrase "Peace In Purple". This became a page, PeaceInPurple, and on this page were shared words ~ not words replacing the Knowledge that already exists within so many cultures, sciences, philosophies, ways of life, and religions ~ but words guiding back to this Knowledge already known by so many that had become trampled down under the Noise of Wants.
I was not the only one who heard the whisper ...
During the last 7 years, many other people around the world have also begun coming together, and making impactful changes to their world that have, in turn, made positive changes across the world:
Changes of Connection that protect and caretake others and the world.
The world has seen some of these influential connections and others, many other connections, have been seen only on a much smaller scale. These smaller connections are not to be discounted for they are sustainable, generation to generation as they slowly connect around them, growing stronger and deeper with each individual,
like atoms bonding to form an element.
In response to the changes of connections, but not the natural one of law of physics, there is an increase of incidents of destruction that have put others and the world at risk, because those who cause these destructions are afraid.
These people who are afraid are the Destroyers.
They are afraid of change that does not serve them and their Wants. Be it individually or culturally, these people have destroyed and continue to destroy to keep or take what they want: power and control. These people use Fear to promote their agendas, extend their power, and maintain control of others.
These people destroy to stop change and break connections that don't align with their dominance. Through their destruction of connections, we are taught to believe this destruction is the only way to live, sold to us by the constant propagation of Fear and Want hidden behind promises of money, success, and "happiness".
We live in this world of connection vs destruction, bound in an 'art official cage', tipping ever so slowly into a global destruction of our own design. We are the creators of the conflicts in our World.
Each one of us living in Turmoil, serving Money,
seeking the elusive sustainable happiness,
wishing for Peace, sold on the belief
it can only be forced
on Others.
You can Free Your Self from the cage of this Sell.
There is a growing number of people who have freed themselves from the burden of this sell. They create change that effects balance between want and need. They create change to effect balance of connection and disconnection, thus ceasing destruction. This growing number of people strive to help others and the world around them. These people are Making Love in the world around them, remaking connections where connections have been destroyed or making connections where they have never existed. The numbers of these people continue to increase as each one of them works unceasingly to take care of their world, and this effect radiates out around them to others, who eventually also begin making connections around them.
These people making connections are the Lovers.
They are the Peacemakers in the world.
They are the Caretakers for the World.
They are the Protectors of the World,
the Storytellers of the Greatest Love Story that is within each of us.
We are these Lovers ... Peacemakers ... Protectors ... Caretakers ... We are the Storytellers of the Greatest Love Story of the World.
Each one of us: You.
This Making Love, connecting with others, begins with the Greatest Love Story within you:
making love within your Self, giving your Self Love, and giving that love to all, making love with the world around you, to protect and caretake those around you ~ giving your Self to the world.
PeaceInPurple also became one of these thousands of Storytellers of Love by offering online the simple guiding thoughts its creator was given, acting only with the thought of reaching just one person, to advise them as they re-create their own Self Love, write their own Greatest Love Story within them, and then release their Love into their life and the World around them. Then, the people around that Storyteller of Love who shares their wonderfully powerful creative force of Making Love, also begin slowly to become storytellers and caretakers in turn, and then, as their connections grow, and the numbers of storytellers grow, all becoming leaders of the leaders themselves.
This is the possibility of creation within all of us.
This is the beginning of World Peace ending World Turmoil.
This is Love.
This is the Greatest Romance Never Sold, the Greatest Love Story that is within each of us for we have hidden our own selves from us under societal dictates.
Despite being hidden amid disconnected conceptualizations made by us, The Greatest Love Story is within you, if you choose to not choose ...
to not listen to what you have been taught,
to reconnect to what you already know:
You were born In Love.
You live In Love.
You are Love.
Reconnect to fully loving your Self and Be Love.
As these reconnections are created, we also advance into the harder work of maintaining these connections we created by making love because of increasing incidents of destruction putting each of us and others in danger. Unfortunately, in many cases, as violence and harm continue in our world, many of them are supported or propagated by societal dictates of an 'art official cage.'
So, Dwelling Among the Clouds has gathered the Guidances found all around us, in our World, which give us the ability to free our Selves and return balance to the World. This collection of meditations and reflections puts this ability in your hands, offering support of you increasing and maintaining the connections and reconnections of making love in the world, as you begin to understand
You are a Creator of Peace through Making Love.
The companion books, Dreaming Among the Clouds and Dancing Among the Clouds, are books of simple reminders of the Guidances to continue moving forward, and not slip back into complete disconnection. Reminders to remain above Destruction.
Ultimately, the work of creating your Love Story is yours alone to complete and come together with others, so our Love Stories create a World of Peace.
What you write as your Love Story is, ultimately, your choice.
Peace In Purple.