Nameless Intangible Everywhere
Humans tend to personify that which they do not understand. It's an ancient coping mechanism to deal with Fear.
Fear prevents hearing as well as learning.
Over the course of the past seven years, I have constructed several interchangeable names: ONEGodSHeIt, GodSHeIt, and SHeIt. These names emerged from my desire to find a universal and inclusive title that encompasses the concept of the Existence for all individuals, even the nonbelievers. This desire led to my constructing "God however you wish to call Her, Him, It", inspired by the fact that description of the Nameless was illusive and impossible. I used this long title for communicating universally applicable topics on a platform with a diverse collection of individuals and cultures so they would all feel welcome. This is simply for the fact I personally find the title 'God' to be a bit ethnocentric and exclusive. However, my constructed title "God however you wish to call Her, Him, It" was quite wordy until I was inspired to unify, merge the words of these two titles and concepts of the nonbelievers, sciences, religions, philosophies and walks of life, simplifying all this into an all inclusive title using One, god(s), she, he, it:
Using these concepts and titles in this inclusive name for all non-religion, religion, sciences, philosophies, walks of life is to also ensure we do not forget that we all understand only a part of what is and what is not, as did our ancestors of many walks of life.
Then, as I continued to learn, I was given a title used in ancient writings, before science and religion were divided, when science and religion were one. In learning that we see more clearly with knowledges together than when knowledges are separated, I began using this ancient universal name:
reuniting this 'Existence' that has been known by humans throughout the ages, spanning across continents, cultures, and civilizations.
ONE is often described as 'Spirit' or 'Wind', that in of itself rather expansive, and has been documented as being explained by the prophet named Moses as unified with the other gods, a plural "One" or, more correctly, the ancient god YHWH and the gods of the people are one, unified, one and the same:
Deuteronomy 6:4 - "hear israel yhwh our gods yhwh one"
שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהֹוָ֥ה אֶחָֽד:
It should be noted the meaning of אֶחָֽד/echad/'eḥāḏ is "one (number); single; simultaneously, unity; singular, unique; one and the same", the very last meaning and use also being found in Genesis 40:5 and Job 31:15 ( Klein Dictionary, Jastrow Dictionary, Brown-Driver-Briggs Dictionary, 12.31.23) .
This Existence, Spirit, has also been documented to still being called 'One' in the 1st Century AD by another prophet named Yeshua who is known as Jesus today:
Mark 10:18 - "and 'iesous said to him why me call you good no one good if not one the god"
ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτῷ Τί με λέγεις ἀγαθόν οὐδεὶς ἀγαθὸς εἰ μὴ εἷς ὁ θεός
The definitions for the Ancient Greek word εἷς/one, which translated the Ancient Hebrew אֶחָֽד/echad/'eḥāḏ, are the same as the Ancient Hebrew definitions (Logeion/ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ, 12.31.23).
This verse of Mark is found translated into English by John Rittenbaugh as: " [...] where Jesus says, "No one is good but One, that is, God.", in his work "On Self-Righteousness", April 10, 2009, for the Church of the Great God Weekly Newsletter (accessed 12.23.23).
We have translated this ancient explanation in accordance to the predominate religious, and now cultural, view of a single God, denying its original documented plurality (Genesis), reducing its connections to nature (wind, sun, clouds, water), giving it human attributes along with the worships and attributes of subsumed gods from other religions, not understanding this Existence is not HUMAN, is not a physical existence, is not here within this realm and is not finite, hence not 3, as many have come to believe it. It is an existence much more like energy, levels of energy, aligning more with spirit, wind. This 'energy' vibrates throughout the universe effecting life and changes to that life, however also Existing as a Presence that has been discernable only by those who are ... receptive, for thought is energy. Those who have 'heard' know for there is no speaking, simply words within the mind, an experience difficult to describe and often ridiculed. There are really no words to fully explain this Unexplainable, but understanding this Ineffable as 'Spirit' brings us close, and, when we include an alignment with science, the concept of Energy which is the essence of existence for everything, there is a beginning of conceptualization:
It is the Essence of Existence for everything being Existence Itself.
The ancient description of ONE is a numerical existence, in a language of mathematics that has been universally understood dating from 18,000-20,000 BC. The number one (1) was first written as |. I do have to point out if | were to be written multiple times upon each other, it is still | - just saying. Of course, on the Ishango bone, there are 168 markings of one, |.
It is also clear the early worshippers of One understood the plurality of its existence, unperturbed when the spirits took human form to walk among them because the people themselves were so close with nature. We find this singular plurality is documented in Bereshit/Genesis of the Torah, speaking of itself in the singular plurality even after the name 'yhwh' is given to it by its human worshippers, making 'yhwh' the lord of its plurality as described by both Genesis and Moses (see 'Singular plurality' below).
This is the birth of what some religions call "godhead" but again, that is a human construction to comprehend the incomprehensible and align it with their own agenda for belief.
In reality, there is no division.
Like Nature in the cycle of Life.
This is the One of Many which are one and the same: |.
As we humans separated further and further from nature, we became fearful of nature and even ourselves. It is then that we began to struggle to comprehend the Singular plurality because we no longer were part of that very structure and life of nature. Our separation led to no longer seeing One, and, unfortunately, many have died over this lack of sight because some humans were no longer wanting to know that everyone was really talking about the same Existence. Instead they were arrogant enough to believe they knew more and the remainder of humanity had to believe their constructions of understandings.
This is still a judgement today.
Some of you are using it to judge this right now as you read, so you will say this is ridiculous. That's fine because it took me years to understand the little I am explaining here. Not just the last 7. I had begun questioning when I was very young so you may never get it. That is okay because it simply means you have more work to do so it's not your time and this is not for you. I am not being flippant. It is the way it is so I accept it as you should.
This sharing is for those who understand or are beginning to try to understand as I am. Maybe one of you will be able to explain it better than what I was taught below, but what I have below is how I was taught by ONE to understand what 'it' is ... for I do know this:
One is neither male nor female nor a thing, it just ... is ... ALL ... with no way to truly name or explain ... and that is still hard to wrap my head around.
But it's beautiful.
And we are all connected to it.
And Peace is attainable once we stop judging each other by our own arrogances and see the similarities of All Truths.
That is when you will see ONE
and we become
One Song of Many Voices All Knowing.
... people did not have the language or conceptualizations we have today.
That is not saying we are far advanced beyond them in knowledge and understanding.
That is saying we are actually sitting right next to them, only using different, more descriptive and varied languages than they did for we have separated our conceptualizations into religions, sciences, philosophies and arts.
Our words have grown but our understanding of our world around us is just as elusive as it has been from our first separation from it, and the Truth has only become hidden among so many words.
So to understand Singular plurality, you will need to let go of believing our ancestors were not highly intelligent.
They were very intelligent. Actually they were more intelligent than us for they understood Life itself.
This is only the beginning for conceptualizing the Ineffable...
The Singular Plurality
This is not a religion nor a cult.
This is an understanding of Existence itself drawing on the Circle of Knowledge that has been deep within our existences, buried under centuries of re-creating our existences to align with Wants of the ones who covet power for themselves: leaders who are not caring for the Needs of the many living under the yoke these leaders created to attain their Wants.
Think Water.
Each molecule is made of three atoms, one Oxygen, two Hydrogen that are bonded, connected by sharing electrons. Singular existences. Singularities. Alone, they change nothing but when they come together in bonds, sharing, connecting, they exist as a Water Molecule. This Water Molecule still does not exist in the Seen World, yet already it radiates impacting all around it, until it connects, bonds, with many other Water Molecules to create a Water Drop, both Seen and Felt. Changing States of Existence effect these singular existences to become a plural existence, many singularities together when they connect, bond. They are
Plural singularity.
Many one
Any existence on this world - humans, animals, plants, rock, dirt, bacteria, protozoa, air, etc.
Think Ocean.
Already existing is the Ocean, the Source of Water, the Source of Life.
It is Complete in of Itself, One, Whole, Immense yet Unknown.
Its Existence is as ONE: Complete, Powerful, Creating the Cycle of Water and Life on Earth.
Water is visual Energy. It Creates. It Destroys. Nothing withstands the Force and Might of Water.
The Ocean, while being One is also Simultaneously Many. Many many plural singularities, water drops of many molecules, plural singularities, of even many more atoms, plural singularities which themselves are all sharing, bonded, connected. These many plural singularities do not experience the Power of the Changing State of Existence Creating Life until they return to Singular Plurality. The Ocean. Energy. ONE.
ONE Many
This Existence is understood in a modern sense through studies of the universe by many humans as Energy, which is One, a Singular plurality. Energy is everywhere and yet one.
This Existence is believed in a religious sense through generations of sacred writings and teachings from men who have encounter this Existence by many humans as God however you may wish to call HerHimIt, all ultimately describing Singular plurality, ONE.
Both understandings easily connect through 'Spirit', aka Energy of an Ineffable Existence that we are aware of yet unable to quantify, explain, or touch because our minds are simply too "contained" within our own world. We, humans, are limited in our language and understanding so are unable to describe or fathom what is within, with out, and encompassing our existences because it is beyond us ... for now. Those who are given glimpses of this Existence know it to be indescribably overwhelming, and some turn to "religion" while others simply deny existence of religion to find their answers through science and nature. None are wrong for they all have simply taken different paths to the same
Singular plurality.
"Singular plurality" is the description used in the reconnection of all understandings of this Existence. It is found within Nature, the ocean is the example above but you can also build it off an animal body or a plant or bacteria. This Existence is the foundation of literally existing in this world, this universe, this Space. It is known by all religions as GodSHeIt, however they wish to name and explain. It is the unknown that the scientists seek for the beginnings of the universe.
Returning it to the original ancient understanding, it is many simultaneous:
the symbolic of any unit of life in this world,
the universal language of math,
the "name" found among ancient sacred writings.
We humans do have short memories.
We humans do like to deny, defame, bury, hide, and destroy what does not serve our own ends or scares us.
We humans Fear before we Listen.
What is true is this:
ONE is understood in many diverse ways in this World.
ONE is all around us.
ONE being Many Existences, Seen and Unseen, Ineffable yet Intimately Among each one of us.
We do not exist alone.
Our ability to be seen in this world is only if we are connected to each other and all other life within this world.
Everything is connected and dependent on Everything.
We exist simultaneously. We exist individually.
We need others to exist.
We ARE plural singularities, the reflection of ONE Singular plurality.
One Singular plurality exists singly. One Singular plurality exists simultaneously.
It is single existing multiforms.
Connection is not wrong. Connection is not exclusive. Connection is Life.
Love is not wrong. Love is not exclusive. Love is Life.
Connection - Disconnection - Reconnection
This is Life.
This is ONE.
To be separated from ONE is Nonexistence.
Nonexistence is not death.
It is nonexistence.
Let this Knowledge lead you
All Paths lead to ONE.
One and the Same
Learn the Truth for yourself.
You do not have to see to believe.
You do not have to believe without seeing.
It is literally all around you.
You have to decolonize your self.
You have to be aware.
Ask Why. Ask How. Research. Make a Choice.