Coming October 16!
Be Powerful ... Imagine Your Love within You
Be Creative ... Imagine Your Love within Others
Be Protective ... Imagine Your Love within the World
All images are from the North Carolina Clouds Collection by Lysbeth Suzanne Daniel.
All Rights Reserved.
Imagining occurs in space, those moments between sound.
Amid the busy world we live in, we find ourselves stressed and worried, heading for the next dollar to pay the next bill. We have stopped imagining and have given the moments of imagination over to those who we have to buy it from: art, photography, music, movies, theater, operas, video games, technology, science, religions, philosophies, etc. We have given our choices of imagination to those who we let lead us: influencers, celebrities, politicians, spiritual leaders, friends, family, etc. In the United States, our primary education system reduced funding of imagination making it unreachable by many children: music with real instruments, drawing, painting, singing, and the secondary education has made imagination even more unreachable by increasing tuition costs. As adults, many of us believe we simply do not have time, the "skill", or the "gift" to create because imagination is defined by our societies.
We reduce our own imagination with our self-imposed limits.
So as individuals, many of us have stopped imagining for ourselves, and have allowed others to fill our world with their imaginations. While innumerable imaginations are empowering, there are just as many imaginations which are destructive.
Many of us do not realize we all are products of others' imaginations, many of which these imaginations we may not be aware.
Imagination is powerful.
Yet ...
You need no skill, no gift, and no time to imagine.
You only need your own thoughts and space.
You are imagination.
What you imagine depends on who you have chosen to be come: whether you bring positive energy into this world or whether you bring negative energy into this world - whether you connect ... bring contentment into this world or you disconnect ... bring fear into this world.
You imagine with your thoughts. These imaginings come into existence with your words and take form with your hands and actions. What you connect through these imaginings reflect you. You do not need to have a product that sells. That is actually a "want" which leads to loss of imagination. The only "need" is to give your Self space to imagine.
It takes a second.
"Imagining Among the Clouds" is actually three books that are not a collection or series, but simply choices. These books are only one of the positive ways to bring Imagining back into your life, to awaken the Imaginer within so you begin your own positive potential in this world, so you begin imagining positive connections among everything in your world. Keep one book or all of them by your bed, on the coffee table, in your locker at work. Give one book to a friend who is on fast-forward. Share one book with co-workers in the breakroom or conference room. Begin positively sharing your imagination and you are connecting reoccurring connections.
So imagine ...
You can also do this for free every day. You really don't need a book ... simply walk outside and look up. Yes, look up. Watch the sky: the clouds, the birds, the trees, even the occasional airplane or helicopter.
Take your breakfast, lunch and/or dinner and eat outside, watching the sky, and Imagine, in that space between sound, your world in peace.
Then connect with it.
Peace in Purple.
Be the Product of your own Imagination, not someone else's imagination.
Imagining takes practice. Each one of these books is a practice in imagining without constraints. Each one of these books are simply photographs of clouds and yet, each represents the endless possibilities that imagining offers us.
What will you find among the clouds when you begin to imagine?
We often look for love ...
and this search for love often brings loneliness, sadness, even despair if we are rejected or ignored by others.
It is hard to believe we each have within us the very love we seek from others.
The truth is Unconditional Love is not a viable way to live.
The love that ensures life continues is reciprocal in nature and existence. It is all around us in our world. In order to reciprocate, however, you must have something to give ... not expect something in return ... not be afraid to offer ... and accept rejection as simply a moment to learn.
This is the key to BEING LOVE - Reciprocity.
It is important to know only you can give yourself the love you desire. You know what you want and need in your entirety. It is this, what you desire, that is the love you share with others. Not everyone wants the same love. It is when you learn to share part, not all of your love, you find you have enough to share and still be full of love for your self. You also find if the other is also full of their own love, they will reciprocate in turn. If they have no love for themselves, or they spill all of their love onto others, they will not be able to reciprocate for they have no love to spare.
It is not easy finding those who are powerful in their love of self so that they are sharing with others because we have built our world on the premise that we are to seek love that fulfills from others, not our self. So we are not powerful in love.
Relearning to love your self without depending on another to love you is very hard, but doable.
You love your self first and take care of your self without hurting others. Protect your self without harming others. Fulfill your self so no other is expected to fulfill you. This is how you come to find your self and in finding your self, give the right to love who you are, as you are, to your self. It belongs to no one else.
Most important: This is not therapy. Please be sure to reach out for therapy with a professional therapist - you are not alone. All of us struggle with finding love. All of us. Getting therapy and support is the greatest power you can give yourself.
Be powerful ... imagine Love within You.
Peace in Purple.
Powerful in your Love, not under the power of someone else's love.
To buy the book go to Book Store
Imagining takes practice. Each one of these books is a practice in imagining without constraints. Each one of these books are simply photographs of clouds and yet, each represents the endless possibilities that imagining offers us.
What will you find among the clouds when you begin to imagine?
We often look to be loved loved by others ...
and forget that everyone around us is also looking to be loved by others.
Many of us struggle with loving others because of things we perceive about them ... the color of their skin, their preference of sexual partners, their religious values, the way they talk or walk or dress or live, the fear they will harm us, the list for rejections is endless.
We use these to justify our rejections and hate.
We often remember we all are completely different and yet fail to remember we all are so completely the same.
We all seek love, companionship, and happiness. We all fear, cry, and are hurt by the same inflictions. We all are born without a choice of where and we all die without a choice of how.
We have forgotten we are the same.
We have chosen to forget we are the same through our justifications of differences.
It is these very differences that allow us, as a complete species, to exist for they have made us adaptable to the countless of changes that have occurred throughout the centuries.
We survive together because we are creative ... and in this all differences disappear.
Be creative ... imagine Your Love within Others and you are Loved.
Peace in Purple.
Most important: This is not therapy. Please be sure to reach out for therapy with a professional therapist. Working through these concerns is hard for many people. You are not alone. Getting therapy and support is strongly encouraged to enable and promote your positive creativity.
your Love for others, not destroying your Love for Others .
To buy the book go to Book Store
Imagining takes practice. Each one of these books is a practice in imagining without constraints. Each one of these books are simply photographs of clouds and yet, each represents the endless possibilities that imagining offers us.
What will you find among the clouds when you begin to imagine?
Many of us have forgotten we live in a habitat that needs to be taken care of ...
Just as we tend to the homes we live within on a daily basis, so do we need to caretake our habitat, both the one immediately around us and the more encompassing World habitat.
Caretaking is not killing.
In fact many of us are afraid of the world outside of our doors because we don't like what lives there - snakes, spiders, roaches, ants, termites, bears, wolves, etc. Our fear comes from both the unfamiliarity because we have separated from the world, but also because our society has taught us to fear what completes the web of life in this World to further to goal of humans – to live comfortably with little regard for other life.
We use these self-taught fears to justify our destruction of the environment to build what we consider safer for us to live within. We are literally trying to protect ourselves from our fears instead of confronting those fears to dispel them and find alternative inclusive ways to live in our environment. In this all-consuming quest to hide from fear, we have inflicted damage on a world created to give us endless life, disrupting the very flow of existence itself, and ironically shortening our own existence also, even as we believe we have achieved longer individual lives.
Our greatest fear is of death for we do not understand it is simply a small part of the endless cycle of life.
Even more ironic is the very same fears we have of each other that separates us from each other are the very same fears of our world:
1. We often remember we all are completely different and yet fail to remember we all are so completely the same.
2. We all seek love, companionship, and happiness. We all fear, cry, and are hurt by the same inflictions. We all are born without a choice of where and we all die without a choice of how.
We have forgotten we are the same: humans, animals, living things.
We have chosen to forget we are the same through our justifications of differences.
It is these very differences that allow us, as a complete species, to exist for they have made us adaptable to the countless of changes that have occurred throughout the centuries, yet we use these differences to kill and destroy other life within this world that ensures our own lives.
What we need to keep in front of us is: Our World survives, our world thrives in Reciprocity.
This is the Web of Life which enables life to be continuous throughout the ages. Our World IS the Garden of Eden in which we sit from which we have become separated by our own choice to place our knowledge before us.
It is because this separation is of our choices that it is up to us to change our choices.
There is no other way because we did this to ourselves and the animals and plants that live with us.
It is not hopeless. Simply find ways you can support and help in caretaking of our world that are within your means. It may be as simple as overcoming your fear of the world outside your door or finding a way to accept roaches are with us regardless of what we do or as complex as giving your support monetarily, by work, or by joining your voice with the people who work towards a World in the Future.
It may be as simple as not supporting the actions or thoughts or words of a group or organization or work place that destroys our habitats. There are many options that allow life to continue that are being refused because of selfishness and greed. You only have to stop being afraid of what they are selling you and …
Be protective ... imagine Your Love within the World.
Peace in Purple.
Most important: This is not therapy. Please be sure to reach out for therapy with a professional therapist. Working through these concerns is hard for many people. You are not alone. Getting therapy and support is strongly encouraged to enable and promote your positive creativity.
the World against Ecocide, not Supporting the Ecocide of the world.
To buy the book go to Book Store