Lysbeth has a B.S. in Education from UNC Greensboro. Her lifetime love of literature, history and the sciences led to her becoming an Independent Researcher. Originally from North Carolina, she spent her formative years playing for hours in the forests and fields, and then later adding to her explorations of the world around her by incorp
Lysbeth has a B.S. in Education from UNC Greensboro. Her lifetime love of literature, history and the sciences led to her becoming an Independent Researcher. Originally from North Carolina, she spent her formative years playing for hours in the forests and fields, and then later adding to her explorations of the world around her by incorporating writing, sports, photography, music, and art. She continued learning and exploring while she lived around the world, passing her love of understanding and being a part of the world on to her children. Today, when she isn’t at home researching and writing, Lysbeth can be found out in the world, engaged in photography, hiking, camping, experiencing nature, and listening.
"In Listening, I have helped.
In Not Listening, I have hurt.
I have not learnt that which is not.
Simply put, I know World Peace is possible but it will not happen until we humans all begin working on finding peace within ourselves first, and reflecting that peace into the world around us, to become as one. It is a cultural shift. Not a revolutionary movement. Not a spiritual awakening. Not even science. But PEOPLE.
Waiting for someone to come and set peace among us has relieved us of our responsibility for our actions. We brought ourselves here into this World of Turmoil believing we have a right to what we want simply because we have set ourselves above all else.
We have to choose to get ourselves back to the Beginning if we are truly determined to have world peace.
This IS the Teachings, regardless of your choice of religion, philosophy, way of life, or non-belief.
You begin with Choice.
What Choice you make is as unique as you for there is more than One Path to the Truth:
I listen to hear, I hear to see, I see to know, I know to do.
We are Beginning Endlessly.
Just begin."
- LyssiSue
Peace In Purple.
The Symbol of the Way to Love: Guidance.
Brother gave me this symbol through one of my friends, taking me by surprise. It is the answer to a question I had asked while being guided among ancient symbols, which included the O (circle), one of the most ancient symbols used by humans since the Stone Age which represents Life, Fertility, gods,
The Symbol of the Way to Love: Guidance.
Brother gave me this symbol through one of my friends, taking me by surprise. It is the answer to a question I had asked while being guided among ancient symbols, which included the O (circle), one of the most ancient symbols used by humans since the Stone Age which represents Life, Fertility, gods, Universe, etc..
I was curious if a symbol for the work set before me also existed.
This was the answer.
When it was handed to me, I was told that the sense of the symbol was not knowledge but guidance and I would know what to do with it.
Guidance is advice.
What you do with Guidance is up to you.
These guidance writings do not replace Knowledge given millennia ago to the many cultures that have either fallen or remain.
These writings are to guide, to assist in understanding the Knowledge that has become divided and segregated through countless renderings, so it can be reconnected, made One again, and heard once more even though it has always been within each one of us.
You are the stirring whisper of the butterfly’s wing.
You do make a difference in this world, even if you do not see it yourself.
"Eye want U 2 B Happy" - Brother
The music of Prince has been examined by many people so I will not rehash his genius, but simply say Prince is extremely intelligent. It is the Words within his work that are often overlooked because of the biases that exist in our culture. We hear these words at superficial levels dictated and propagated by a Dominate Society o
The music of Prince has been examined by many people so I will not rehash his genius, but simply say Prince is extremely intelligent. It is the Words within his work that are often overlooked because of the biases that exist in our culture. We hear these words at superficial levels dictated and propagated by a Dominate Society of the "Colonized Mind". He, of course, has several songs about this already so in summation of what I have learned from him:
I learned how Prince discerned the spellings, broke the bindings, and re-spoke the words as keys to Freedom of Knowledge for the World in another universal language:
The lost was found.
Prince completes me.
He is Brother.
He is the beginning,
I am the end with everything
in between reflecting within.
So you will find and recognize his knowledge within these writings if you are familiar with his songs which are intricately intertwined together, linked forever into the One Song on the Journey 2 the Center of Your Heart - Your Self. Just Listen.
And then,
Open the Cage ...
Dwelling Among the Clouds is connected to the first writings which are called In the Arms of Orion, a set of four stories. It was through these stories of In the Arms of Orion that I was guided through the Knowledge of the Greatest Love Story is within you that now shared in Dwelling Among the Clouds. So in essence, In the Arms of Orio
Dwelling Among the Clouds is connected to the first writings which are called In the Arms of Orion, a set of four stories. It was through these stories of In the Arms of Orion that I was guided through the Knowledge of the Greatest Love Story is within you that now shared in Dwelling Among the Clouds. So in essence, In the Arms of Orion contains the full work of my learning under the guidance of Brother, the Teacher, the Ancients, and ONE. Dwelling Among the Clouds is an abridged edition, so to speak, a shortened version of this guidance.
They are Brother and Sister works, reflecting each other, a mirror.
If you decide to explore these writings, they are free to read, either on the website or as a download, as available on their website which is linked below. The books are not currently being offered in printed format. The book format is in the creation process. If you are interested in owning the book format, which unfortunately cannot be offered as free so you would have to buy it, please sign up for notification of that availability through the website which is linked below.
I am currently completing the edits of the second book.
"And God Created Woman" is going through its second edit phase in preparation for also becoming a tradebook for those who which to own a hard copy.
I am one person working on these while also being fully employed so it is taking some time.
Thank you for your patience.