who was known to the Greeks as " Ἔρος, ὃς κάλλιστος ἐν ἀθανάτοισι θεοῖσι, λυσιμελής, πάντων δὲ θεῶν πάντων τ᾽ ἀνθρώπων δάμναται ἐν στήθεσσι νόον καὶ ἐπίφρονα βουλήν" = "Love, fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them."
This is Love creating the Universe.
This is Love, the Greatest Existing Power.
(translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White in Hesiod. The Homeric Hymns and Homerica, Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914. )
... sung by those who hear clearly ...
𓇋𓏲 𓅭𓏤 𓀀 𓄔𓅓𓏲𓀀 𓂋 𓂜𓏏𓏭𓅪 𓈋𓅱𓏏𓅪
" jw zꜣ sḏm r jw.tj ḏw.t =f"
the son listening will be who not bad
- The sbꜣyt (sebayet/teaching) of Kairsu, 1878 B.C.
... and teaching their children to live in loveship so...
𓃹𓈖𓈖 𓀀 𓅓 𓅜𓐍𓏤 𓇋𓈎𓏛 𓅓 𓊼 𓅓𓆱𓐍𓏏 𓂋𓂝 𓀀 𓏐𓏏𓏒𓏥 𓈖
"wnn =j m ꜣḫ jq m ẖr.t-nṯr m-ḫt rḏi̯=j tʾ n
I exist as glorified spirit useful in hereafter when I give bread to
𓎛𓈎𓂋𓅪𓀀 𓎛𓃀𓋴𓇟 𓈖 𓇉𓄿 𓇋 𓇋 𓇟 𓅪
ḥqr ḥbs n ḥꜣ.y"
hungry clothing to poor ..
- Stele of Horemchauef (New York, MMA 35.7.55) 1700 B.C.
… hearing the most ancient of teachings ...
“Will not, if you do well, you be accepted
if not you do well, at the door wrongdoing lies, and
for you, its craving, but you can rule over it.”
- Torah, Genesis 4:7, oral knowledge circa 1213 B.C....
... and, in so hearing, understanding ...
“If you open yourself to the Dao
[the ineffable way of the universe and the energy, Chi/Qi, within it],
the Dao and you will become one.
If you open yourself to Virtue, then you can become virtuous.
If you open yourself to loss, then you will become lost...”
– Lǎozǐ / 老子, Tao Te Ching / 道德經, Chapter 23, 600 - 501 B.C.
.... is the choice to be made by ...
"... Man himself is the maker of his own destiny and must choose his own path to achieve enlightenment [release from the cycle of rebirth] "...
– Siddhartha Gautama / Buddha, 566-480 B.C.
... walking in life, loving others as one’s own self ...
"... if as much you might desire all things that the men should do to you, so also you do to them..."
- Yeshua / Jesus, Book of Matthew, 7:12
Judaism, pre-Christianity, after 50 A.D.
... just as each person is ...
"... the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds ...."
- Yeshua / Jesus, Book of Matthew, 5:14-16
Judaism, pre-Christianity, after 50 A.D.
... but if each person chooses to ...
"... manufacture their own grievances either by entertaining unfounded suspicions or by exaggerating trifles … an overweening conceit of our own importance makes us prone to anger, and we are quite willing to do to others what we cannot endure should be done to ourselves.”
– Seneca (30-65 AD) ...
... so cease as existences entwined, now unable ...
" ... to assume the existence of an unperceivable being" for it "… does not facilitate understanding the orderliness we find in the perceivable world..."
– Albert Einstein, answering the question "What is God?", July 15, 1953
... to see in this very unseen orderliness ...
“… that we do not want to instill fear in others or into the society of which we are a part […but to] share in the self-liberation of all the people …”
– Martin Luther King, Jr. (from Nobel Peace Prize speech, 1964)
... is the strength of seeing others in us, and how ...
“[…] ultimately, we are connected. Totally connected.
And not only with people, but with the life.
We’re totally connected with life.
And everything relates to everything else. […]
I know we’re all connected.
I know our differences don’t matter that much.
But again, it’s knowing it with the brain and not the heart...”
– Frank White, on the Overview Effect (1987) ...
...that is binding all together, reminding us ...
“when [humans] have learned to live as real human beings without disturbing others, [we] can live peacefully without any fear in [our] hearts.”
- Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera, First Buddhist Chief High Priest of Malaysia, 1963-2006 ...
... in a world filled ...
“with love, honor, and respect for every living thing in the universe, separation ceases,
and we all become One Being singing the One Song ..”
– Prince, "One Song", 1999
...once more knowing the ancient unchanging Truth heard many different ways throughout the time of humans:
“Our lives are not our own.
From womb to tomb we are bound to other… past and present and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
– "Cloud Atlas", movie, 2012.
God, however you may wish to call It/Her/Him,
I have not learnt that which is not.
There are many, many guidances of the Knowledge to conduct your Self as a connected, Beloved life within our world that are not listed above. There are Guidances from scientists like Hawking, Michio Kaku, Ted Nelson to guidances within books, movies, TV series, to corporations, non-profits, communities, cultures, individuals, animals, weather, and plants, among others, in our world repeating endlessly.
Through these Guidances, Knowledge is connected and intertwingled*.
Guidances are also found within many religions, which are constructed using Knowledge as perceived by those who constructed them. Some of these religious guidances are clear,
others are not so clear.
In most religions, it is known the world cannot not survive as a
singular singularity for it lives in plural singularity**
as do we, the people of the world.
For most religions, it is understood there is not one singular "correct" religious guidance that supersedes all others for all people.
For most religions, it is understood the individual finds the guidance of their own choice, and guidance is simply assistance to understand Knowledge of LOVE.
This choice creates Love.
LOVE creates choice.
Thus, if you quiet your Self, listen to the space between sounds, you will hear to see how to conduct your Self. Then, when you are conducting your Self, you will see to know and know to do.
You will have Guidance.
Peace in Purple.
* "EVERYTHING IS DEEPLY INTERTWINGLED. In an important sense there are no "subjects" at all; there is only all knowledge, since the cross-connections among the myriad topics of this world simply cannot be divided up neatly." -Ted Nelson, Computer LIB/Dream Machines (1974/1987).
** many (plural) singular lives dependent and interdependent upon each other for life. - LyssiSue, The Ladder/The Rungs (2018)
Often people say there is a mystery to life.
Life is only as mysterious as we make it for its complexity is its simplicity.
In the human quest to avoid death for fear of death, we have sought to control the world around us. The means of control have changed, but the ancient old fear driving the need for control has not changed. We are no closer to resolving our fear than we are to living eternally. We birth. We love. We kill. We cry. We laugh. We struggle. We succeed. We die. Every living thing on this planet exists in this pattern. Not just us, the humans. Despite this, we still to not see in the world around us, nor the repeated message which is ...
We humans fight so hard to avoid seeing oneness is life,